Navigating the real world: Claire’s intern experience at Pitch

November 7, 2023

An internship is more than just a stepping stone into the workforce – it’s an opportunity to get a taste of what your chosen field is really like, bridge the gap between your university knowledge and industry. Claire Gosson joined Pitch in her final semester of studies as a Visual Content intern to apply her creative content skills and experience the reality of working at a full-service agency. We sat down with Claire to gain her insights into what an internship with an agency like Pitch is really like.  

Pitch: What’s the most interesting project you worked on?  

Claire:Oh my, it’s hard to choose just one. I suppose what I have liked about interning for Pitch is the fact that there is room for me to grow and expand my skills. I came to Pitch to mainly focus on video content. With that being said, I have also really enjoyed the social media aspects such as designing graphics and copy for posts. I would say I most enjoyed accompanying Pitch Video Content Lead, Phoebe, on client shoots where I was able to witness and assist in filming material in a higher-stake environment than what I’ve been exposed to previously.”  

What new skills have you learnt? 

“As a Creative Industries student, I’ve had some opportunities to use industry-standard software during my degree. I’ve been able to learn and grow my editing skills by observing and using software such as Adobe Premiere Pro. Watching and assisting Phoebe with editing was handy as I am a visual learner. This was rewarding because each video project was different, and I was able to learn so much in an agency setting while gaining exposure to real-world clients.”  

What stood out to you about Pitch when you were sourcing an internship?  

“Well, I originally was hoping to gain exposure in a real-world setting where there was room to develop creatively. I major in Screen Content Production, so I was aiming for a video content-related experience. What piqued my interest about Pitch was the emphasis on creativity in a public relations space. Once I began my internship at Pitch, I found that I was able to broaden my initial priorities while being introduced to neighbouring creative areas such as social media, writing, marketing, and content research.  

What is something that you’ve discovered about working with the team?  

I think what stood out was the fact that I was surrounded by creatives who had diverse backgrounds but initially began with a similar university pathway to me. I found that the briefs were always open for interpretation and new perspectives were encouraged. I found this to be incredibly refreshing for content creation in a creative workplace setting.”  

Was there a moment in your internship you found challenging?  

“When anyone is fresh to a workplace environment it can be a struggle to get a footing. For me, I found it was most challenging to jump in and start creating content in a place where I didn’t grow up. Since I am from the U.S. and am still fairly new to Brisbane, it was an adjustment to understand the scope of the Brisbane metro area in terms of understanding client’s locations and projects. Although this was sometimes tough to get my head around, I found it rewarding because I got to learn so much about the local community.”  

Do you have any advice for other interns?  

“I would say to be open-minded and not rush to find a niche. There are many directions when it comes to creative material and there is so much to explore. Also, do things you find intimidating or outside of your comfort zone. If you do this frequently, adaptability comes more naturally down the line.  

In short, starting an internship can be daunting. My internship experience was a reminder that there are many directions to working in a creative field. By being willing to expand your passions, it increases your growth potential. Luckily at Pitch, I was able to grow in a supportive environment which allowed me to branch out and diversify my creative potential.”

Interested in an internship with Pitch?

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